Department of Vocal Music
The Department of Vocal Music has a rich history, starting with the establishment of Seoul National University in 1946. Despite political and economic challenges, the department has remained committed to academic research and artistic excellence.
Over the years, it has nurtured most professional performers and educators in Korea.
This success is attributed to the dedication of the faculty in educating gifted students through a well-structured curriculum and collaborative research.

The Department of Vocal Music holds regular opera performances every two years, which are the highlight of the multidisciplinary arts. This event is not only significant for the Department of Vocal Music but also involves the entire College of Music. The opera performances by the College of Music, SNU have gained attention in the domestic music industry for their top-notch quality since the first performance. Additionally, our college conducts research on opera through the Opera Workshop, which is crucial in developing the skills of singers in preparation for the regular opera performances.

Ever since the Center for Culture and Arts opened in April 1985, the Department of Vocal Music has been organizing a more diverse range of concerts. This was made possible by the establishment of a permanent performance venue and the construction of the Arts Center Concert Hall in 2000. Since its opening, the department has been actively presenting in-depth research through various events such as opening and closing concerts, concerts in the beginning, middle, and final semesters, and annual concerts featuring English, French, and German songs and arias.
Department Chair Seo Hye Yeon Tel. 82-2-880-7930~1
Address Room 402 Bldg. 220, 1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Department Chair Seo Hye Yeon
Tel. 82-2-880-7930~1
Address Room 402 Bldg. 220, 1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea