Department of Composition
The Department of Composition includes majors in composition and conducting. The goal of the department is to foster skilled composers and conductors through comprehensive education and research. The department offers hands-on guidance from expert faculty, a well-structured curriculum, and diverse support for their artworks and performances. Consequently, the department has consistently produced industry-leading professionals and educators in music, both domestically and internationally.

Since the establishment of the department, the composition majors has been a leading presence in Korea's music scene due to the ongoing and enthusiastic efforts of professors and students. It has nurtured composers who do not only shine in Korea but also on the global stage.

Meanwhile, the programs at the conducting majors are designed to help develop professional conductors through systematic education. As part of this program, conducting majors enhance their theoretical knowledge of music through courses such as sight-reading, harmony, counterpoint, and music analysis. These programs also help refine their musical talents through intensive practical training in classes such as sight-reading and conducting practice.
Department Chair Kim Kyu Dong Tel. 82-2-880-7944
Address Room 425 Bldg. 220, 1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Department Chair Kim Kyu Dong
Tel. 82-2-880-7944
Address Room 425 Bldg. 220, 1, Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea