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2020년도 서울대학교 여교수회 글로벌 여성 리더십 장학금 신청 안내

2020년도 서울대학교 여교수회 글로벌 여성 리더십 장학금 신청 안내하오니, 관심 있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.

The SNU Women Faculty Council(WFC) will be accepting applications for the 2020 Global Women Leaders Fellowship, a competitive fellowship for female international students in a Graduate Program of SNU. We envision our fellows to be willing leaders in contributing to the social development and improvement of the global status of women. Please inform your students of the fellowship and encourage them to apply.
* Fellowship: 2,000,000KRW/annum.
* Eligibility: Female international student in a Masters or Ph.D Program at Seoul National University. GPA of previous semester should be over 2.7/3.4.
* Required Documents: Transcript of current program; Application form (Attachment 1), Recommendation Letter (Attachment 2)
* Submit by: Friday, October 23, 2020 to SNU Women Faculty Council email
* Applications will be reviewed by a review committee, and the fellowship will be awarded at
the General Meeting of SNUWFC November 19th.



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