• 안나 예이츠 조교수
    • 국악과 

    • 전공
    • 인류음악학
    • 연락처
    • 02-880-7998
    • 이메일
    • annayateslu@snu.ac.kr

    • 학력사항
    • University of St Andrews 학사
      The School of Oriental and African Studies(SOAS) 석사, 박사
    • 경력사항
    • (2020-)서울대학교 음악대학 국악과 교수
    • 실적
    • [공연 등]
      2024 국립국악원 <글로벌 흥보가>
      2023 남산국악당 <마이 판소리>
      2023 월드판소리페스티벌
      2022 전주대사습놀이
      2018 파리 엘리제 궁 해외공연
      2015 런던 카도간 홀 해외공연

      [논문 등]
      2022 ‘Hallyu Through the Grassroots: Experiences of Kugak in Europe and Beyond.’ the world of music (new series) 11(1): 133–156. 논문
      2022 Kiaer, Jieun, Anna Yates-Lu and Mattho Mandersloot. On Translating Modern Korean Poetry. London; New York: Routledge. 책
      2021 ‘Plotting the Course: Artistry, Celebrity and Kugak in South Korea.’ Celebrity Studies 12(2): 250–266. 논문
      2021 ‘Ethnomusicology in Practice: Learning and Performing Pansori as a Research Tool.’ 무용과 이론 3: 39–58. 논문
      2021 ‘Going with the Flow: Livestreaming and Korean Wave Narratives in P’ansori.’ In Sound Communities in the Asia Pacific: Music, Media, and Technology, edited by Lonán Ó Briain and Min Yen Ong, pp. 111–128. New York; London: Bloomsbury. 책 챕터
      2019 ‘When K-Pop and Kugak Meet: Popularising P’ansori in Modern Korea.’ Yearbook for Traditional Music 51: 49–71. 논문
      2019 Kiaer, Jieun and Anna Yates-Lu. Korean Literature through the Korean Wave. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. 책
      2019 ‘Aligning Tradition and Creativity: Preserving Pansori in South Korea.’ International Journal of Intangible Heritage 14: 49–65. 논문
      2017 “P’ansori Today: Reconciling Tradition and Creativity in Modern Society/오늘의 판소리: 현대사회에서 전통과 창조성을 조화시키면서” 박사논문
    • 수상
    • 2023 문화체육관광부장관 문화예술 발전 기여 표창
      2015 K-Vox Festival 유럽 외국인 판소리 대회 1등